LEAP: Learn. Engage. Active. Play. These are the four ‘key’ words that underpin our practices and form the foundation of Leapkids. Our core goal is to provide quality OSHC services giving primary school aged children opportunities to extend their learning beyond the classroom, engage with their peers and wider community and to become actively involved in sport/recreation and community activities. 

We aim to deliver fun outside the classroom in a ‘play’ based safe environment which we believe is cornerstone to outstanding children’s services and children’s overall development and engagement.  
We value each child as an individual and empower children to strive to achieve at their own pace, having a strong sense of personal worth and belief in their own abilities. We believe children’s undesired behaviour should be managed with care, respect and equality ensuring each experience enhances their learning self-esteem and self-worth.   
We embrace, respect and operate in accordance with the Education and Care National Quality Framework and Child Safe Legislation leading to safe, nurturing environments where children are stimulated, challenged and free to make choices and voice their opinions. 
We believe role modelling inclusive and supportive practices by welcoming and accepting families’ with the establishing and maintaining of compassionate respectful relationships enhance children’s sense of belonging. We agree that families are the child’s primary nurturers and teachers and each child deserves the right to be an active member in their community, including an awareness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures as a core part of our shared nation’s history, present and future.
We believe community engagement will lead to families having a stronger commitment to education and healthy lifestyles. We are committed to ‘Giving back’ to the community and aim to achieve this through continuous reflection and improvement, sponsorships and scholarships for disadvantaged children, supporting different community/charitable agencies and developing strong affiliations and partnerships with community and volunteer groups.